(505) 661-8015
How We Help
Los Alamos' Food Pantry
We distribute food every second Friday of the month and the Thursday night preceding it, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, located at 2390 North Road, Los Alamos, NM. Distributions are from 5:30p.m.-7:00p.m. Thursday evening and 10:30a.m.-Noon Friday. To receive food, clients must provide information in advance to LA Cares by the Sunday prior to the distribution week to ensure that enough products are available to all clients. A list of distribution dates is posted on this website's homepage.​
All clients receive a bag of non-perishable products. In addition, fresh produce, eggs, bread, meats, and cheese are available. Personal hygiene items such as paper products, soaps, toothpaste, etc. are also available. A limited amount of dog and cat food is also available.